Utilizing Storyline 360,  I created the short module titled: Which National Park Should You Visit Next?

This short elearning module was developed using Articulate 360, as an independent portfolio project. (Note that this project is for educational and demonstration purposes only, and was not sponsored or affiliated by the US National Park Service) The module showcases several of the national parks in the US, where the learner is then asked to answer simple (and fun!) questions about their interest, and are presented with which park they should plan to visit in the future.

My Process 
This quiz build is a revision of an earlier project on the topic of the national parks system here in the US. I recycled both the original questions and style guide that I created for this earlier course, and sourced similar images for the content slides for the result pages. The intention was the take the load off of the learner, and add a self-grading system to the quiz, rather than leave the math up to the user. I started with using radial buttons for the user to rate their interest for each question, but this proved a challenge. How do we make these scores work correctly with the result variables? So, I changed my approach, and traded the radial buttons for check boxes for each numerical score, with attached variables for each to add to score for the designated resulting dial.  With this approach, I was able to maintain the ease of use for selecting the appropriate score value and having this value in turn display the user’s results.

The self-guided quiz utilizes trigger variables for scoring each of the user inputs to calculate the designated score range for each of the results, one of the five US national parks. The results page displays the user scores for each of the variable sections, and allows for the user to select each park icon to learn more. At this point, the user is shown basic information about the park in a parallax display style feed.